Thursday, September 30, 2010

What a YEAR!

One year ago today, a six-pound cherub joined our family.A lot has changed in our lives since then. I can't really imagine life without Scott. He is our favorite person.

So, to celebrate him today, I made some cupcakes:
And gave one to Scott tonight:
And watched him smoosh the frosting with his fingers:
and shove some in his face:
and pretend like he's all done...
when 90% was dropped on the floor, intentionally.
I think tomorrow night, I'll try feeding it to him on a fork and see if he enjoys it a little more. He didn't really understand how to eat it.

We also went to Ikea to buy Scott a few toys. The cobbler's bench was one of my favorite toys they had at church when I was little, so we got him one.
He's still a little young for it, so he wanted to eat the hammer instead.
Then he went to bed. Pretty uneventful day, but since he doesn't really know it was his birthday, I think that's okay.

Happy Birthday Scott! Thanks for joining our family! I can't wait to get to know you better. I hope we'll always be friends.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our New Home

I would have loved to take pictures of the house when it was empty, so you wouldn't see how horrible I've been at unpacking and stuff, but I needed to do it some time, and if I waited for it to be clean, it wasn't going to happen. So, take it or leave it:

There is also a room behind the basement area where the bowflex is right now, and then the rest is unfinished. Hope you've enjoyed your tour.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Emptying the Camera

I'm having trouble sleeping tonight, so I thought I would take the pictures off our camera for the first time in over a month so I can be prepared for a blogpost of our new home and Scott's first birthday... Scott likes to empty the dishwasher...
The future face of my bib business blog... if I ever get that serious.
These next ones are all of Scott in his Sunday best. He's so cute when he's all dressed up!
This is, "I want to sit down..."
We took this kind of tilted, so when I put it aright, a corner was missing. Sorry!
This is the sidewalk in front of our apartment in Santa Fe. I love how big Scott's shadow head is. I love him!
Hope you enjoyed. My plan is to blog more soon, but don't hold me to it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

First Steps!

This is the first time that Scott has taken 4 consecutive steps by himself. He isn't walking for real yet, but I thought you'd want to see his first steps! The video was 7 minutes long, so I just showed you his best success :) Enjoy!