Friday, November 1, 2013

Xieng Khuan or "Buddha Park"

We went to a Buddha Park in Thailand, but we heard there was a smaller one near us in Vientiane, made by the same sculptor. So, one Sunday afternoon, we took a short drive to check it out. It should only take about 20 minutes to get there, but it took about 45 because the boat racing festival was going on right next to the main road we were driving on. We had no idea... Oh well. We had a good time anyway.
There was a big sculpture that you could climb into. There were figures inside and windows to look through, and stairs to go in and out of three different levels of sculptures. It was very cool.

 And once you get on top, you can see the whole park.
Love Scott in this picture:
This is the closest we got to everyone looking ;)
Matt was looking down at us from one of the staircases.
Matt was inside of the inside of the sculpture, and we were inside the sculpture, but the in little hallway thing that goes around the middle. Hard to explain...

Me, feeding Scott to the crocodile...

Cool shark shoes...
Scott and Matt climbed to the top again.

Bobby was very sad to be left out at the bottom, but it is a little dangerous in there for small ones, so Matt didn't feel like he could take them both, and I had to stay out to get the pictures... poor Bobby.

And one last photo of the moon. Beautiful!
It was a fun Sunday afternoon activity for us.

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