Friday, November 1, 2013

Scott Turns 4!

Scott's birthday was on a Monday, but at his school, they celebrate birthdays on Friday. So the Friday before his birthday, we took in a pile of peanut butter cookies to share, and we got to watch him do the little birthday ceremony...
They had him walk around 4 times--one for each year he's been alive. It's kind of cute, but I thought I'd spare you the whole experience on the video. You're welcome.

Then, another kid had his birthday ceremony, and then the cakes came out... seriously. The kid's mom bought THREE cakes for him, and the teachers lit candles on ALL three cakes. Scott had a pile of cookies with 4 candles. I was feeling... I'm not sure. The funny part is Scott's face, and the fact that the 5 year old blew out 15+ candles in less time than it took Scott to blow out 4. Pretty great!

Saturday was Scott's birthday observed. We bought a scooter for him in Thailand in August, and kept it hidden and it was a complete surprise. We put it in a suitcase because we didn't have wrapping paper. But we have a lot of suitcases ;)

Matt took Scott to a bakery down the road from us and he picked it out and they gave him candles and wrote his name on it, and took their pictures with him, because that's what they do with my kids here. It was fun.

We tried to do everything he wanted to do all day, which included a lot of scooter riding, Candyland, Guess Who? and watching shows. It was a pretty good day.

Before bed, we brought out his gift from Grandma and Grandpa. Here was his reaction:
I included Matt reading the card because Scott quoted it for weeks after he read it. He had me write it down addressed to several different people, "Happy Birthday! We think about you everyday and hope you're having a good time in Laos." Apparently the card was very meaningful to him. Also, sorry about the red eye. Not much light in their room...

Of course, Scott wanted to eat cake everyday until it was gone. On Sunday night, we lost power, so we had to have cake by iPhone/glass lantern... Scott was really disappointed that he didn't blow out candles, but on the previous days, we used the gas burner to light a chopstick to light the candles, but with the power out, the strikers were not working on the stove. Oh well, he blew out candles at least 3 times for this birthday.

On his actual birthday, we received a lot of videos from family members with lots of cousins singing to Scott and he just loved it. Every hour or so I would get a new video and we watched them all throughout the day. We also video chatted with a few family members, too. Good times.

After Matt got home from work, we took the boys to a bouncy house that's pretty much always set up a little ways from us. You pay 5000kip (about 65 cents) and you can play as long as you want.
I love that he goes to get Bobby to slide down with him. He is turning into such a wonderful big brother.

I think this is on Scott's actual birthday. He wanted candles every night until the cake was gone. I don't think I was present for this one because Bobby fell asleep in the car or something like that. I can't remember.

Many days later, we received a package from Nana and Papa. This is a little long so you don't have to watch it, but I wanted to post it for Nana and Papa so they can feel like they were there to watch him open his presents.
Thanks to everyone who made Scott's birthday special this year. For days leading up to his birthday he was asking if he would see his cousins again and who would be at his birthday, which is why I requested videos. He does miss family and our house in Georgia, but he's starting to settle in here.

We are so grateful that Scott is in our family. He is more logical than any kid I've met. When he is upset, I can almost always ask him to stop crying so we can chat, and he will. I have been able to explain things to him and have him understand (or at least seem to) since he was less than 1 year old. The highlight of everyday is when he comes up to me and says, "Mom, you know what? I love you!" and gives me a big hug. He is very special and we're so glad he's ours! Happy Birthday buddy, we love you!!

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