Since Marie was born in Idaho, we thought we might be able to work it out to have some family attend Marie's baby blessing, but we couldn't come up with a good day to do it where both sets of grandparents could attend, and it felt wrong to choose. So, we thought it would also be cool to have her blessed in Laos. We bought her a dress at LDS distribution before we left.
It was fun, too, because she was blessed on a Sunday that she wouldn't be able to be blessed in the United States. She was blessed on Conference Sunday! Since Conference is happening while we are sleeping, they delay watching it for a full week. So, that was cool, and she was exactly 2 months old.
I took pictures of her before we left for church, but she wasn't very smiley.
I'm starting to realize how difficult it is to get a good picture of three kids all at once...
This is the sign that they put in while we were gone. Pretty snazzy...
I tried again to take pictures after church, but she wasn't in a great mood then either. Oh well. The important thing is that she was blessed by the power of the priesthood. It was a special day.
These pictures are great! Congratulations on your beautiful family. With them, you are wealthy beyond measure. It's fun to watch you enjoying these fleeting years to the max, especially since my strongest memories of you are you at three years old!