Robert's 2 Month stats:
23.5 in long (55%)
12 lbs 14oz (60%)
40cm head circ (73%)
Scott's stats at 22 months:
(we didn't do an 18-month appt for some reason)
32.5 in tall (10%)
22lbs 2oz (8%)
51cm head circ (98%)
Matt's 30th Birthday was on Sept 16. I tried for the first time to surprise him with things he would really like. Matt hates to be surprised because he doesn't want the pressure of reacting correctly to a present he may not want. So the expectation of getting a present always makes him uneasy and anxious. So, I have usually just said he could get something he has been asking me to buy for a year or so, like an xbox or a playstation or something. So, I haven't really done anything for him for the past 4 years, so he didn't anticipate anything. Well, I had a friend knit a Sackboy from a game Matt loves called Little Big Planet. He's a knitted character in the game, and Matt had no idea I had someone make it, so he was blown away. I gave it to him the night before his birthday because he had had a really crummy day at work, so I decided he needed to know his birthday was going to be special. In the morning, Scotty and Bobby and I went to a grocery store and got Oreos, milk, and 2 balloons and brought them to him at work. I sent Scott down the little aisle of cubicles to hand him the balloons and he was really unsure what he was supposed to do until he saw Matt. Then he dropped the balloons and took off running. It was super cute. I took a few pictures, but they're not great, what with the awful industrial lighting and whatnot. Anyway, he walked us out to the car and then we went home. Then I had a friend come over to help with the kids while I went to buy Matt's other presents. I had to wait until the day of his birthday because otherwise Matt would have seen the purchases on our bank account. So, I bought tickets to see Captain America at 10:30pm that night and a day pass to Stone Summit, a rock climbing gym very near our house which happens to be the biggest in the nation. And I went to get all the stuff we needed for sushi. Then I made cookie dough and spread it over the whole cookie sheet to make a cake. I tried to decorate it using mini M&Ms, but they sunk into the dough as it baked so it didn't turn out, but it tasted good! When Matt came home from work, we made sushi and put Scotty to bed. Then, I surprised Matt with the movie tickets. He had been wanting to see Captain America since it came out, but he's been working a ton, and Bobby is so young and doesn't take a bottle well, that we just hadn't done it. So he was very excited, giddy even, until our neighbor arrived to babysit while we were gone. Then after the movie, I gave him the day pass to Stone Summit. I think he had a good day, and I felt like I did really well getting him stuff he wanted, but weren't super expensive. The only downside to the night was that Bobby cried most of the time we were gone because he wouldn't take a bottle. So, I'm not going out without Bobby until he's eating solids, I guess. :( Ah well.
Scott's 2nd birthday was on Sept 30. We went to the grocery store in the morning and got his birthday balloons. (He kind of had a cow while we were getting Matt's balloons because he saw one with Thomas on it.) So, we got a Thomas balloon and a Cars balloon and he loves them. We also bought his cake mix, frosting, and Cars cupcake wrappers. He helped me make the cupcakes a little later in the day. When Matt got home from work we had French toast and sausage, one of Scott's favorite dinners. Then, we made a huge mistake and took Scott to Toys R Us. We hadn't had any time to shop for Scott because Matt has been working from basically 8 to 8 everyday and I didn't want to go with Scott. Anyway, he just started saying No to everything we suggested and then had a complete freak-out when we left the store. We ended up getting him a Thomas trackmaster set, a Mr. Potato Head, a little slide, and a couple of books. He enjoys them now that he's away from all of the other toys at the store. And I honestly can't remember when we had cupcakes, I think it was right before bed. We put a couple of candles in his cupcake, but he wouldn't blow them out. He just wanted to stare at the fire. Matt kept relighting the candles and blowing them out over and over. Scotty loved it. He also got cards and money from both grandparents (which, combined, bought him a tricycle--which is probably what he really wanted from Toys R Us, but we were against that and then finally gave in a few days ago). He also got a puzzle from Aunt Amanda, which he does almost everyday. So, I think he had a pretty good day.
Bobby's 4 month stats:
25.5in tall (59%)
16lbs 7oz (67%)
43.5cm head circ (91%)
Scott's 2 year stats:
32.5in (7%)
23lbs 6oz (4%)
52.5cm head circ (>97%)
The percentage is based on the CDC growth chart, which is only American kids. Before he was 2 years, they were using the WHO chart, which is kids all over the world. So, that's why his percentages dropped.
Well, that's all for now. Maybe I'll put some pictures up later.
I'm so impressed with Matt's birthday! Good job, Becky!!!!! can sync your phone pics/video to your google+ (so you have a permanent and automatic backup just in case your phone dies or gets lost...then you can upload them straight onto your blog in the "from your phone" folder. It's pretty awesome...