Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Santa Fe, The City Different

Apparently, "The City Different" translates to "AdobeLand." The first thing we noticed when we moved here is that normal businesses had a very different look going on. Here are just a few examples of what I mean. Carl's Jr. is probably my favorite, or maybe IHOP. Let me know what you think!


Amanda said...

IHOP is my favorite. Is there a city ordinance that they have to go adobe?
Hope you are enjoying your new city.

Becky said...

I have heard that there is a city ordinance. There are some businesses here and there that aren't "adobified" but they are very few and far between.

Austin and Jennifer said...

The Ihop looks quite like a Mayan ruin or something...

Becca and Jon said...

I like the IHOP one, it's quite interesting!

Nancy said...

I'm really looking forward to our visit - I like adobe! The interesting thing about Sante Fe style decorating is that the outside is so plain and monotone, but the insides are color explosions!

Unknown said...

definitely the ihop takes the cake. or the pancake. (sorry, i had to) i hope you're enjoying the heat that makes the adobe worth it. :)

Jessica May Lords said...

In Jackson, Wyoming, things have to be made out of wood... so no brick stores, no adobe stores, just wood. It keeps the town looking 'western.' Strange how cities get worried about things like that!