Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The NZ Christmas Adventure Continues...

The next morning, we started our drive to the east coast, to Christchurch, and the road we took is called Arthur's Pass. I spoke to an American friend who has spent the last 11 years or so in New Zealand, and they suggested we go to Hokitika Gorge. It's not too far off the path and it's beautiful. I'm so grateful for the recommendation because it was so cool! I've never seen water like it before. I did a little research and apparently the reason the water is that bluish-green color is because of "rock flour." There's very fine pieces of sandstone in the water that's not heavy enough to settle at the bottom so it kind of floats in the water and gives it an opaque quality.

 Here's the gigantic root system of a fallen tree!

 We sat down and had a little snack here and gazed at the beautiful view.

 Then it was time to get on our way. Here are a few pictures from Arthur's Pass.
 Here's a kea. They're the ones I mentioned last time that eat flax.

It was a wonderfully beautiful drive. New Zealand is truly gifted with amazing views at every turn. Just incredible. Next stop: Christchurch.

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