Sunday, November 8, 2015

Box-Trolls and a Butterfly

A few days before Halloween, there was a Relief Society activity where we learned about decorating cakes. I thought it was unlikely that the cake provided would be gluten-free, so I made a cake to bring to the activity. We didn't get very far with the decorating part on that night, we only learned the basics about making the cake flat and smooth and how to make really good chocolate frosting. When I got home I had a plain, frosted cake and had the decorating itch, so I stayed up till 11pm making this:

Halloween is not a big deal in New Zealand... yet? I think the popularity grows each year. There wasn't a lot of trick-or-treating in our neighborhood, but we heard it was better in others. One of Matt's co-workers who has 5 kids lives in such a neighborhood, so I kind of invited our family over to their house for Halloween dinner (and brought my cake) and then we did some trick-or-treating. We went for about an hour to 25 houses, 15 of which answered. A few houses had signs that said they were not participating in trick-or-treating. I'm still glad we did it, if only to get together with our new friends, and give my kids a taste of what trick-or-treating is all about.

I found this super cute costume for Marie and had these cute little crocs sandals we inherited from an American friend we knew in Laos.
 I love her little antennae! The outfit came with a headband, but she wouldn't keep it on and it then it also broke. But I think this is cuter anyway.
 The boys had several suggestions for their costumes, but I admit to steering them toward this one. They had watched the movie Box-Trolls several times in our journey from Laos to New Zealand, and since we were surrounded by boxes at home, it felt quite fitting, and cost-effective! Scott is Shoe, and Bobby is Fish. We tried to get them to pop out of their boxes to trick-or-treat. We failed probably 4 or 5 times, but then they finally did it and we gave one house a nice little scare. Golden.

I hope Scott's not too old to trick-or-treat by the time we make it back to America, because it would be a shame to miss out on that experience. Not the end of the world, but since Halloween has been one of my favorite holiday since childhood, I'd like him to experience it, too. It was a fun night!

Scott also had a Halloween-themed Disco the following Friday night and he dressed up as a ninja using one of my t-shirts and a gi we bought for him in Xi'an, China. I thought he looked pretty awesome.

 (I did end up tying the t-shirt on a little differently since it kept falling off.)

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