Monday, November 17, 2014

Matt Gets One Year Older

Matt arrived back in America on his birthday. He left Korea on the morning of his birthday, spent 12 hours on a plane and arrived in the afternoon on the same day. So, it was literally the longest birthday of his life.

I wanted to do something fun for his cake. He doesn't like cake, so I made a pan of cookies, "frosted" it with Nutella, and then made a 1up "extra life" from Mario. It didn't turn out the way it was supposed to because I didn't have the colors I wanted, but oh well. It was cool anyway.

I had to include this picture because it's the best one of the boys. Matt is making his classic I-hate-being-in-pictures face.

Matt is being a better sport for this one, but we've lost the boys...

Happy Birthday Matt! I know you don't usually love the attention, but I am happy when we get a chance to celebrate you. We are grateful for all you do for our family. I love how you play with the boys and build with them and make up games. Thank you for working and allowing me to stay home with our kids. You're awesome.

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