Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bobby Turns THREE!


Cake #1:
In Montessori tradition, you celebrate your birthday with your schoolmates and so a little ceremony where you carry a globe around a candle while everyone sings, "The earth goes round the sun..." and after each revolution, you are a year older, so Bobby walked around 3 times.

Then they sing Happy Birthday and he gets to blow out a candle.
Then you show everyone pictures of your life...
These are the other two boys who had birthdays that week:
Ah, brotherly love!
Time for eating cake:

And get all messy!

Cake #2:
Okay, so I didn't know there were going to be two other birthdays and a farewell, so I thought that I, alone, had to provide enough cake for 60 students and 10 teachers... So I bought two cakes. And honestly, they didn't even cut into the cake shown at the beginning of this post, but I forced them to keep it. We used this cake for a little birthday party/open house playgroup on Bobby's birthday. I did not request Angry Birds... the cake people just did that on their own, and the gel was apparently gross and only one of the kids liked it. So, that was a total bust. Oh well. He thought it looked cool, at least.

One of Bobby's friends who came to the playgroup party got him a little dinosaur excavation kit. Scott was DYING to do it, so we did.
Big brother helping.
The dinosaur!
He's so cute.
Cake #3:
I had to make a cake that was gluten free so that I could participate in my son's birthday festivities! And I love to decorate cakes!

The aftermath... can you guess who actually finished their cake?? I think the boys were both a little caked out.
Happy Birthday Bobby! We love having you in our family. You have a beautiful smile, an awesome laugh and a truly loving heart.

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