Saturday, May 10, 2014

Christmas Morning

Here are some pictures of our Christmas in Vientiane.

 Bobby is still working his way down the stairs after Scott has already dumped out his stocking.
 Bobby is pleased with new colored pencils.

 Scott has to bring a hat to school everyday for outdoor play, so he was excited to get a Ben 10 hat. Ben 10 is so huge here--they have hats, shirts, shoes, pants, jackets, watches, kites, backpacks, you name it.
 Bobby was going through a phase of hitting everything including us, so Matt got him some boxing gloves and pad so he could practice on something other than people.
 A helicopter book...
 Bow and arrow...
 Coloring/sticker books.
 Costumes. We got Batman and Buzz Lightyear for Halloween and the kids wore them so much, I wanted to get some more. So we got IronMan and Superman. IronMan was pretty big... but they'll grow into it.
 The big present was a climbing wall we got from a local playscape builder. Since there are so few parks around here, it's been nice to have something to climb on in our own backyard.
 Spider-man bubbles.

Matt and I were both not feeling great on Christmas. I went to bed after presents and then Matt took a nap when I woke up. On Christmas Eve, we had Matt's coworkers over for turkey and sides, so we ate leftovers on Christmas Day and didn't have to cook! It was a low-key day that ended with watching Star Wars because I was missing my family and somehow that helped! It was a fun day.

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