Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bobby turns 2!

We spent Bobby's birthday (June 13) in Pocatello, Idaho with Nana, Papa, Aunt Coly and family and Aunt Emily came with her kids to the cake part.  Here are the pictures:

We started out with bathtime.

 Followed by a meltdown when it was time to leave for our first event.
 The firestation!

 I LOVE this picture!

 Then to the park:

 I laughed about this for several minutes:

 And lunch:
 Don't tell Bobby, but Scott and I made the cake while he was sleeping, so... Scott got to lick the beater.
Bobby snatched a cupcake while we were saying the blessing on dinner, so there's his frosting-less cupcake, but he still ate dinner and another cupcake!

Matt attended the party via FaceTime.
Grandpa couldn't get over how cool it was that he could talk to Matt on the other side of the world.

 Bobby got a flashlight
 and a glow wand
 and a Monsters University car
 And cake...

 He liked the candles.

We love Bobby. He's got a great laugh and gives sweet hugs. His curls are adored by all. We feel blessed to have him in our family.

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