Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eating, Sitting, Swimming

We have begun feeding Scott baby food. Here's what he thinks of it so far:

I hope his opinion of food improves. It's pretty frustrating to even bother feeding him at this point, but maybe someday he'll actually swallow some of it.

Scott can sit on his own really well now, so I did a little photoshoot with him the other day. Thanks Papa for the outfit!
His hands are in motion. He flaps his arms when he's excited.

Had to get a few with the hood on :)
He loves looking out the window.
Scott and I go swimming about three times a week, but usually when Matt is at work. On Saturday night, we went swimming and Matt got some pictures.

He likes to splash, but he has to close his eyes a lot to do so. Don't you love his little toes sticking out of the water?
We got something for him to float around the pool in. He can't see over the front very well yet, so he usually leans to one side, but it's nice to have a little break from holding him every once in a while. He might like it better when he's a little older, we'll see.


  1. OMG he is so stinkin' cute. I love his bald head and surprised look. It reminds me of Caleb when he was little.

  2. I love these pictures. Whenever Nathan wears hoodies, I always put the hood up. He doesn't mind and I think that it is too cute for words.
    Nathan and I are going to get into a swimming class this summer. I've been a little lazy at taking him swimming, but lately in the bath he sticks his face in the water. Really cute.

  3. Wow, he's looking sooo big! He's becoming a little man.

  4. Just checking in again to get my daily dose of cuteness!
