Sunday, April 4, 2010

Carlsbad Caverns

I took a trip with Scott down to Carlsbad Caverns. (Matt couldn't afford the vacation days.) My parents were meeting some of our friends from Albuquerque in Roswell, and I tagged along, and my sister came, too. We drove around in a rented Yaris--very cute, and roomier than you might think. Roswell was a total joke. $5 to get into the "museum" was too much. It was like a 7th grade science fair from 1978. If you ever have to decide between Roswell and almost anywhere else, you can skip the Alien Museum and Research Center. For $6, you can go to the Carlsbad Caverns for 3 days... so, ya know. Here are some photos my dad took, because I was too lazy to bring my camera.

I think these are called draperies.
This is called "popcorn."
Scotty, awake! He actually took a little nap on each of the two hikes.
Mom, Maurine, and me.

Scotty, after a long day of hiking... he looks SO tired, huh?

I don't actually think I was there for those last two photos. I only went on the two self-guided tours, and I'm pretty sure these are from a guided tour that I skipped because (a) I was dog-tired and (b) I couldn't bring Scotty. It was a good time, though, and I'd definitely go back.


  1. I loved the caverns. However, I think you missed the vision of Roswell. Yes the museum was hokey, but it was fun to see all the alien stuff. Like the street lamps, the shops, and aliens ON the wal-mart. Too fun! I told my sister when she goes to skip the museum and just look at shops. Maybe you should lower your standards ;)
