Monday, September 21, 2009

Pictures from Maurine's Visit to Santa Fe

My amazing husband was able to get our pictures off of our corrupted hard drive from our desktop to the laptop, so now I can share some pictures with you. I hope it works... This will be one of four slideshows, if I can figure it out. This is just day one at the Children's Museum

It worked! If you click on it, you should be able to view my comments about each picture through the picasa web album. Enjoy!


  1. How fun! Glad you got the pics back!

  2. Awww that's so fun that Maurine came to visit (she was really brave to take a road trip with 3 little kids! Woo. Exhausting just thinking about it.)
    Looks like you guys had a great time!

  3. That's a cool feature. I enjoyed the slide show!
