Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Big News

I just brushed the back of my tongue without feeling like I might vomit for the next 5 minutes. I still don't think I'll try it in the morning, but at least at night, I can feel completely clean in my mouth again. Yesss. I'm liking the second trimester better than the first already.


  1. I totally understand that as big news! I still gag when I brush my teeth but at least I don't vomit.

  2. Woo hoo! The 2nd trimester is great - like a vacation, and I am really enjoying my 3rd as well (I'm 31 weeks). Enjoy!

  3. Yay!!! How is the appetite coming along?

  4. I can relate. Except for some weird reason, the smell of toothpaste alone made me want to puke. 2nd tri is totally better.
