Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fun with Googly Eyes

We got a Halloween card from Matt's sister and the googly eyes of the ghost had fallen off. It was a cute card anyway, though. (Thanks Amanda!) Well as we were cleaning up the table to have dinner tonight, Matt found the googly eyes and had some fun, and asked me to take a picture. Matt never asks for pictures to be taken of himself, so I jumped at the chance. Hope you enjoy them.

In other news, I got a treadmill the other day on Craigslist and I went walking on Thursday and Friday morning :) Yesss. I'm excited. Today I went to distribute some flyers to some people in my ward and my lungs were burning by the time I got back. I'm SO glad I get to walk inside this winter, that means I might actually walk! Yay!

Also, I have had an empty sink before bed 5 nights in a row! I've picked a spot and beautified it! (See Pres. Uchtdorf's General Relief Society Meeting address:,5232,23-1-947-37,00.html)


  1. wow. those are some awesome pictures. i love the ones with the scarves over your faces. you look like muppets!
    also, good work on the treadmill walking and dishes! yaaay becky!

  2. wow...crazt this is what you do with all your free time?! haha. And good job on the exercise and the dishes. That is quite an accomplishment!! i wish i did that!
