Day 4 in Hong Kong was the day we set aside to attend the temple. Matt went to a session first at 9am. We took two trains to get there and walked a little ways down an alley--someone at the train station gave us directions. There is a park just across the street, so the kids played for a while and then sat down with the iPad and watched some of a movie and then we walked to the street and took pictures of the temple from across the street. And we had some snacks. It was a nice, relaxing morning.
Notice the Tai Chi Class in the background... Scott and Bobby were the only kids at the park. There were about a dozen people over 55 there doing their morning exercise.
Bobby didn't quite understand the periscope.
I thought it fitting for my children to be playing with an abacus at a Chinese playground.
I climbed up on the playground and took this picture of the Angel Moroni on the temple.
The temple is on floors 1, 3 and 4. I think it's a 5 story building. One floor is an apartment for sister missionaries and the last is the mission home. Pretty amazing. They also have patron apartments across the street for people who want to come spend several days going to the temple. There was a group there from Thailand and so both of the sessions Matt and I went to were in Thai instead of Chinese. (We wore headphones to hear it in English.)
This is the fountain inside the gate.
I went to the 11am session. The original plan was to have lunch together and then I would go to the 1pm session, but I hurried and made it to the 11am. Matt walked the boys to a mall and food court and bought super hero action figures and had some lunch--I think McDonald's again. To be fair, we can't eat McDonald's in Laos... Anyway, after my session, we brought the kids to the temple to see the waiting room and the fountain and to get a little water. I think they were pretty impressed. Then we talked with some of the members from Thailand and told them that we live in Laos. Turns out, we'll probably see them at district conference in a week or two. Pretty funny.
The plan for Day 5 was Disneyland, which is across the water on Lantau Island near Discovery Bay. Since the airport is also on Lantau, we decided to switch hotels for our last two nights. It was awesome! They had a spa and I left Matt with the boys for dinner and went to get a pedicure. After walking all over the city, it was SO nice. We gave the kids a bath. The bathtub/shower was SO cool!!
It had a big fountain for filling the tub.
And a huge showerhead from the middle. The boys loved "running through the rain" once they got over the shock shown here...
The setup was actually really nice for giving baths because instead of leaning over a tub, I just sat on the steps and had them stand near me to lather them up. It was great. So, another idea of my ideal home--along with my goldfish library ;)
This was the view from our room: Aaaaaaah. Can you feel me relaxing?
Day 5: Hong Kong Disneyland!!!
We got strollers again for the boys--you like how I'm pushing both of them??
Bobby went right up to this Buzz statue and just stared at it. He shot his imaginary laser arm at him and said in his language, "to infinity and beyond!" which sounds like, "Eee-meee Aam!" So cute.

They loved the Buzz Lightyear Astroblasters ride. Bobby didn't use the gun to shoot anything, he just stared at everything inside. When we left through the giftshop, however, the magic of Disneyland was suspended. Bobby cried so hard!! Poor kid. He wanted us to buy a full size Buzz and Woody combo pack. But we already have them, so I really didn't want to buy them again. But Bobby couldn't understand. Everyone at Disney was throwing stickers at him trying to make him feel better but nothing worked. So we buckled him into the stroller and just kept moving. We went to Autopia next and it turned out to be the longest line (20 minutes, I know, boo hoo) and the lamest experience. Matt and Bobby got stuck behind an old couple taking a casual drive with multiple stops for taking photos. Matt was pretty upset. Scott drove the car with me, but wasn't very good at it and laughed uproariously every time our car hit the middle track. He liked it a lot, but it wasn't worth waiting in line again.
Next we went on Space Mountain. The kids aren't big enough (or brave enough, frankly), so we did a "rider switch." I sat with the boys in a little waiting area while Matt went on first. We looked at the planets and stars hanging from the ceiling and the kids liked it a lot. Then it was my turn for Space Mountain and Matt took the boys back on the Buzz Lightyear ride. Matt said that he steered and the boys both used the laser guns--I guess Bobby caught on a little better the second time around. Unfortunately that was followed by another breakdown from Bobby that was even more intense. This time we happened upon a stage show that was about to start, The Golden Mickeys. Bobby was crying all the way up until the show started and then once he saw Mickey and Minnie on stage he was in awe and stopped. They were good the whole show. There were lots of different songs from a bunch of movies the kids have never seen, but Matt and I were singing along the whole time. Then, I twisted Matt's arm and made him go on It's a Small World with me. I really like this ride! Maybe it's the fact that it's on a boat. I don't know. I took loads of pictures, but most of them didn't come out. Oh well. Here's some that worked out:

Woody, Bullseye, and Jessie
hula dancers
Then we went on Winnie the Pooh. Matt had never been on it before, so it was a lot of fun. Bobby had a fever most of the day, so he was very docile (after the Buzz breakdowns was over...). I felt bad that he was sick, but he seemed to still enjoy the rides.
They had the Jungle Cruise, and we thought we were going to get the Mekong Maiden, which would be perfect since we now live about 5km from the Mekong River, but it was not to be--they weren't using that boat that day. Oh well.
Then, the highlight of the trip: Toy Story Land!!!
The Toy Soldier Parachute Drop was AWESOME! The best part was that both the kids could go on it! They had an extra strap for kids that were younger than a certain height so it was safe for everyone. It was so great. You can only sit three on each side of the parachute, so Matt and Scott were on one facing Bobby and me on another. It was fun to watch each other's reactions.
Matt and took turns going on the RC racer ride while the other took the kids on the Slinky ride. Matt said the RC racer ride was his favorite. I liked it for the first 80% and then I was very grateful it ended. I guess I'm getting old.

The next part of the park was called Mystic Point, which just opened and is a World Exclusive. The only ride in that section was Mystic Manor, which is a similar concept to Haunted Mansion. The mansion is owned by Lord Henry (I thought he looked a lot like Jane Porter's dad from Tarzan, but Matt finally proved me wrong last night, so I guess he's not from any movie) who has a house full of antiquities from around the world. His pet monkey opens a music box that has the power to bring inanimate objects to life--so we were zoomed around the manor in a little car and saw all the different rooms and monkey being scared of everything. The kids didn't love it. Most of the ride, Bobby was very nervously saying, "Off. Off! Off!" I'm not sure if he wanted us to turn it off, or he wanted to get off the ride. But he was not pleased, but he didn't CRY either. And at the end of the ride, Scott said, "I was very brave." We asked if they liked it and they both cautiously said yes, and then when we said, "Wanna go again?" they both said, "NO!!" It was cute.

Next we went to Grizzly Gulch, which I guess is at California Adventure, too, but I'd never heard of it. The only ride was one the kids couldn't go on, so we did another rider switch. It was called Runaway Mine Cars. I went first and ended up sitting next to a guy who went to BYU but went to elementary, middle, and high school in Hong Kong. It was really funny. So we chatted with him for a little while. He works in government and since it was during the shutdown, he decided to go on vacation. The world is really small, especially when you're LDS. The kids were so tired at that point, that they waited pretty patiently for Matt. Then it was time to find some food and get ready for the fireworks show.
On Main Street, they had Monsters University set up, so you could take your picture with Sulley and Mike and get a student ID card. And they had figures from Oozma Kappa and Roar Omega Roar. The kids just watched the movie a little while ago, so they were pretty excited about it.
Then I got my cotton candy, so I was happy. Notice a little hand going for it. Neither of the boys liked cotton candy, though, so that was great. More for me!
I took a bunch of pictures of the fireworks, too, but this was the only one worth posting. Most of them had a bunch of people in the foreground with their phones recording it, which kinda ruined it for me. The kids were really scared at first and then they realized it wasn't going to hurt them and started liking it. Hooray for kids getting old enough to enjoy fireworks!!
And this final picture sums it up nicely...
We had a great trip!! I can't wait to go back! We still need to see the Lion King Show and go on the train...