So, when Scott started eating solid food, I realized that the bibs we had didn't cover enough of his clothing to make it worth it. So, I made this:

It served it's purpose pretty well, but it's not very cute--and the ties weren't close enough to his neck size. So, I made this:

I even added a little saying (a play on the phrase "ladies first," which doesn't seem very true now that I have a baby), just to make it fun. Well, I used it so much I decided to make another:

And another:

And one for a friend (who calls her daughter "Princesa"):

And another for the same friend (who is obsessed with Hello Kitty):

And one for a baby whose father is a concert pianist. I will never make one like this again--at least not going from one side all the way to the other. I might just do keys in the middle.

So, my question to you is: would you buy one of these for your kid or as a baby shower gift or as a belated baby present (since usually babies don't start eating solids until 4-6 months after they're born...) and how much would you pay? I like to make them, but it's pricey for me to just give them away. I'd love some input! Thanks!
first of all please make a piano one for our baby. Secondly, I think $10 sounds about right.... how much do they cost to make? I'd hesitate at more than 10 for a bib. they are so cute!!!
Okay, this might be a dumb question, but what's with the C's (or U's) at the top of each bib? Is it an open mouth? Besides that, I really like the Hello Kitty one and definitely agree that bibs don't cover enough and are not at all absorbent unless made of cloth diapers. Depending on how the bibs I have hold up, I might be needing some more for Kenzie as she will be starting solids soon. As far as price, calculate the cost of materials and estimate labor then double it and charge that amount.
cami, those are armholes. they are worn like a smock. they put their arms through the "c's" and i left the flaps there only because scott turns his head all the time and i thought the more coverage, the better. does that make sense? also, i think the bibs hold up well; i have washed mine several times already and they're not showing signs of wear.
and hannah, i was thinking more like $5 or $6 each and then $2 shipping. does that seem reasonable?
Becky, So cute. I pay $5 each for my bibs and that's high from the store. I think your pricing of $5 or $6 is good. I tend to like plastic bibs more than cloth bibs, but I know a lot of people prefer cloth. Great job. Good luck. Are you doing an Etsy page?
I think they're awesome. You could sell them for $10 including shipping. And that's probably cheap, actually. You're so domestic and creative. Way to go :)
I would pay $10 for them. Think they would be a great sale, have lots of friends who prefer cloth bibs! Great job, they are really cute. Would totally need at least 3 of the piano one!! :-)
Check out It would be a good place to assess the right price and maybe even sell.
Have you seen the design my Mom uses to make bibs? She takes a cloth diaper and cuts a head hole and adds a stretchy collar so food doesn't fall through the cracks.
Put us down for 12! Right Han?
I think all you need to do to sell this product is post a few photos of your destined-for-stardom cute baby wearing one of these fashionable items and every baby's mother will want one. He can demonstrate proper wearage and the food-catchability thereof. Solid new income source to fund things like visiting the Idaho Falls branch of your family.
I'd definitely pay $10. I think you could easily sell one for $10, maybe with discounts for more than one.
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