This is Scott at 9 days, sporting a beautifully crocheted blanket made by his Aunt Jessica. Thank you!

Here he is at 12 days--he loves to sleep with his hands on his face. We like to pretend that he's smelling something stinky, but probably not.
17 days--you can see the blanket hasn't left the bouncy chair... He loves to move his arms around! If he's awake, his arms are constantly in motion. And sometimes his legs, too.
Not sure what he's doing here, but it's cute!
18 days--his first real bath! And he hasn't had one since... He just doesn't get very dirty. Is it bad that he's only had one real bath since he was born?
29 days--Today.

Happy Halloween! The shirt is too big, but that's the way it goes. The shirt is a gift from his Nana and Papa. The hat and socks are from a family friend, Tammy. The pants are preemie size--they're too short, and the waist is too big... ah well.
And there you have it! A whole month has passed. He is probably just a little taller, and he weighs a little over 8 lbs by now, I think. He was 7lbs 6oz when I took him to the doctor over a week ago, so there ya go! Things are going well. I'm learning to deal with little sleep, and even when he's crying, I still think he's very cute, so that's a good sign :) Thanks to everyone for your love and support and oohs and aahs.