I thought I'd continue with the belly pictures... Here we are 1 week post partum.

Here's us at the hospital--day 3, I think

Do you think the carseat is big enough for him?

I realized we were all still wearing our bracelets after being home almost two full days. Had to take a picture so we could cut them off :)

This is just for a size comparison. iPhone on the left, universal remote on the right. He's such a little dude.
If it's possible, he's even cuter in person! :D Good job you two!
you make me laugh. that belly shot! And the size comparisons! And the bracelets! So great, all of it.
awww, so tiny! Congratulations! Your life will never be the same again :)
so cute!!!
oh man-I can't believe addi was that small once! He's adorable!
So tiny, but big on CUTE! We love the belly shot too! Funny! :-)
How cute! I love the size comparison.
Love the remote comparison! He is so so cute! Congrats again and hope you're getting a little sleep!
*snort* That belly shot makes me laugh. Wish I'd thought of it.
We too did not wake up enough to remove the bracelets until a couple days after getting home. (We have a daughter who just turned one.) Nice to know we aren't alone.
Congratulations! What a little peanut!
-Sarah Taber
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