It is August 17, and Matt and I have been married now for 3 years. Wow! Where does the time go? We have a lot of fun, and I feel truly blessed to have such an awesome guy taking care of me. Here are some nostalgic shots:

Also, I was 34 weeks on Friday, so I had Matt take another picture of my growing belly yesterday. Thanks again to Maurine for my maternity wardrobe. I also was reading a lot of stuff on labor and delivery, and I almost started crying, but I'm sure everything will be okay. I thought it was a little funny how they talk about the arduous journey the baby takes through the birth canal, and I'm like--he'll mostly feel and look better in 24 hours. I, however, might take up to 6 weeks to recover! Who's journey is more arduous, I ask you?!

And last, but not least, Matt grew out a goatee for a few weeks, just because he can, so we had to take a picture. His facial hair pattern is actually quite similar to that of Christian Bale--I've attached a photo so you can see what I mean. They both have trouble connecting the mustache to the beard. I don't think it looked bad, but I prefer to kiss a clean-shaven face, so it's gone now. Yay!

troy's facial hair has the same issue. he keeps saying someday it'll grow in, but christian bale is older than troy...
anyway you look so cute! kind of a funny juxtaposition though. wedding...and look at me now! happy anniversary, you two! miss you.
Happy Anniversary guys! I agree with you, it's more arduous (sp?) for the mom on delivery day! Don't worry too much about the pain, that's what the anestiologist is for! Love ya!
I just really love that you compared your husband to christian bale! happy anniversary ANNNND let it be known that MY husband has no trouble growing facial hair that connects....
Happy Anniversary :)
Here's hoping that it truly only take 6 weeks to recover, lol. Every time I look at the highway map all over my stomach, I tell Brooklynn she'd better be durn grateful!
Yay! We're almost there. Just about a month left. Pregnancy update: The baby is starting to step on some nerve that sends some shooting pain down my behind and leg. Have you felt that? Not fun.
ah... come on! Beards are awesome! Happy Anniversary
i'm pretty sure you could count that baby belly of yours a pretty good anniversary present to your husband!
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