That is all.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Question follow-up
I registered at Babies R Us this past week. I figured the worst that can happen is that I don't get anything except 10% off whatever I put on my registry, so I did it. So, donations are by no means required, but welcome ;)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Flea Market

Also, Matt got a chance to practice his Spanish, which ultimately got us a discount on the dress. The guy totally was scolding Matt--telling him that he had to think in Spanish and speak it all the time and not translate when people were speaking Spanish. And I'll have you know that I actually understood much of what the guy was saying, so I felt pretty good. Matt got excited about speaking Spanish after that and he talked to another guy who said that his accent was really good, so he felt awesome--and so did I--after the flea market experience. Yay!
Our New Place
Okay, so this is the kind of post that I would just skip over on someone's blog because it doesn't interest me all that much, but I know at least my mother-in-law wanted to see the apartment, so here are the pictures:
Front door.
Entry way, it's a little turn to the right--and it's now where our computer is.
Living room. We have our TV and couches set up in here.
You go down a hall with the stairs on the left, the bathroom on the right, then you see the kitchen on your right and the dining room on your left, and you see our little teeny backyard. The only difference between then and now is that the bike is out there.
The kitchen
The dining room. Still has many boxes, but our new IKEA table is set up, and we like it :)
The half bath on the first floor.
Turn to the left when you go up the stairs and there's one bedroom--it now has a bowflex and a treadmill in it, and it's probably where our guests will sleep--sorry about the exercise equipment!
The baby's room. This mostly just has boxes in it so far. Since the baby isn't coming until September, we have some time.
Full bathroom upstairs. It has a door from the Master and from the hallway.
Full bath--view 2. Now we have towels and a shower curtain, and floormats, so we're moving up :)
Master bedroom. There is a huge closet with two doors--it's open in the middle, so we have somewhere to put a dresser if we want and laundry hampers.
Master bedroom--view 2, and that door leads to...
Our balcony. Which is nice and cute, and we already got a little outdoor lawn chair so I can sit out there and read. I like it.

That concludes our tour. I hope you liked it. I don't know if I'll ever have a clean enough house to take more pictures, so you'll just have to imagine how great it will look when we put all of our stuff away. :)
24 Weeks
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Drive to Santa Fe
This is what we saw on our drive to Santa Fe. I was surprised how much more variety there was between Provo and Santa Fe than there is between Provo and Boise or Pocatello. I was pleasantly surprised. I was driving the first day, however, and Matt was not as pleased that I liked the scenery so much because I kept telling him to take pictures. Here are a few:
Windmills before we even passed Manti, Utah.
I loved the contrast of the green foliage and the red rock.
Stuff like this makes me feel like Utah must have been underwater at some point... 

Seeing the lines where they put dynamite in the rock has always been fascinating to me. This wall was probably at least 50 feet high--pretty cool.
And this was the last thing we took pictures of because it started to get dark, but I think it's called Wilson Rock. When we went around the bend, we could see tiny people crawling up it. It was bigger than I thought it was. There was no turn off to get the people, so sorry there's no perspective shot.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hey there friends. I have gone back and forth about registering for baby gifts. The stuff I really need are the expensive things--car seat, crib, stroller, etc. I have a lot of clothes from my sister-in-law (thanks Amanda!), so I'm doing pretty well on that front. My work is having a little combined shower for me and another girl in the lab at my going-away lunch. I'll be moving into a new ward and I'm not expecting a shower. So, it seems crazy to register. Then again, I have had people ask me where I'm registered and asked me for my address so they could send me presents. I never had much money to spare for people in the ward having babies, so I feel bad asking, but I thought I might as well let you opine. Should I register and post it on my blog, or just forget about it?