Here were some of the highlights for me.
Saturday Morning Session
>>I loved how Elder Perry got the base of his talk from Henry David Thoreau's experience on Walden Pond. It's great to hear insights from books outside the LDS faith. I didn't know a lot about Thoreau, and I found it really interesting. I liked how when asked, "Have you made your peace with God?", Thoreau answered, "I was not aware we ever quarreled."
>>I liked the story Elder Andersen told about the little girl who was born deaf, how she told a handicapped boy in the grocery store that Jesus will make everything all right.
>>Elder Oaks is great. He's no nonsense. There are something that are very cut and dry. Do thing the right way, no excuses.
>>Matt said that Elder Uchtdorf is now his favorite speaker. He is completely wonderful, I agree. I loved his topic as well. Hope. I liked the lines, "In the deepest winter, we find within us an invincible summer" and "Never give in, never surrender!" (to despair). I also like how he pointed out the opposites of faith, hope and charity--fear, despair, and failure to care for our fellowmen.
Between sessions, Matt and I took a drive up Provo Canyon. My brother-in-law went with my sister last week and told me I had to go soon. It was raining hard today which gave us dark tree trunks, and pretty good lighting. Photos never do the colors justic, so I admit that I did a little tweaking on my pictures, but Matt says they're still not as bright as they were in real life. So, I hope you can believe that my pictures aren't too doctored. I'm sorry I'm posting so many, I had a hard time deciding.
This is from our balcony before we left.
We went down a little street off University Avenue and took a few shots.
>>Elder Wirthlin's story about his daughter's blind date was hilarious.
>>Elder Holland is so awesome. I love to hear him speak. I want to be more angelic now.
>>Elder Corbridge really impressed me. He's a new Seventy and I have never heard him speak before. He was so great! I think he was called to speak to the logical thinkers in the Church. He made so much sense and the combination of scriptures he used were linked together so beautifully. I never thought of things quite as he put it, but it's true--through Jesus Christ we can never thirst, never hunger, never walk in darkness, never die. Believing in Him, remembering Him, keeping the commandments--it's the only intelligent thing to do!
>>I liked Elder Bednar's challenge to say prayers solely of gratitude sometimes. I'm definitely going to try that.
Well, it was a good day. I hope it was enjoyed by all who were able to listen. For my friends out there who are not LDS, if any of this seems interesting, please read or listen to some of the talks at
wow i totally missed a lot of both sessions because of the cacophany of sounds in the room at the time. i'm sure you can't imagine how that could be. so thanks for taking good notes and paying closer attention than i could!
and thank you for posting those pictures! it almost felt like fall here yesterday. i took the boys to the park during priesthood session and it was sprinkling, and a bit late on a saturday, so we were the only people there. dean decided i was his friend so we played construction trucks together and made a roade in the sand. he kept calling me his "big friend" who could lift him up and push him on the swing. and we established that i can be his mom AND his friend, but i can't be his mom AND his dad. all good things.
i love the colors in provo canyon!! i think my favorite was the bright red leaves in the stream/puddle. breathtaking.
Gorgeous pictures, Becky! And, I have to admit, I was pretty thrilled to listen to Elder Corbridge, too...he was my mission president :)
I've basically heard all the pieces of his talk was such a weird thing to hear it again from him as a general authority. But, I am often reminded that following the Gospel of Jesus Christ is "the only intelligent thing to do."
Beautiful pictures, Becky! I miss Provo Canyon.
hooray for fall! also, we have a blog... which i try (or am trying) to update somewhat frequently. i'm sure i'll do better once the baby is here to post pictures of. anyway...
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