Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

Pictures first:
Christmas Eve, they opened up their new jammies from Aunt Maurine.

 Christmas Morning

 I think this is the first present after stockings and breakfast.  It's the present Scott picked out for Bobby.

 Thanks, Scotty!

 This is what Scott gave Bobby: Two trucks that light up and make sounds.  It called for a break from opening presents.

 Oh, the trucks also play music... so Bobby danced :)
 Scotty is starting to guess what it is... Woody from Toy Story

 Scott also got Buzz Lightyear, and they both got "bikes." They are replica four wheelers.
Christmas was fun this year in a very different way from other years.  It was really fun to share a lot of Christmas traditions with my boys--we watched Small One and Mickey's Christmas Carol, and read Polar Express and the Christmas story.  It was a very special time on Christmas morning with just my own boys.  I could really soak it all in and see their faces for every gift and allow them to take breaks to play with their new toys before moving on the the next.  But once all of the presents were open, I just started to miss my siblings and parents and in-laws more and more by the minute.  It is something I have to just get used to, and I'm sure the older they get the funner it will be for all of us.

We had steak and potatoes for dinner which was fantastic and the boys liked the steak just as much as Matt and I did, which was a little sad because I shared more than I thought I would have to, but nice since they are not usually good eaters.  I am already looking forward to next Christmas, now that I know better what to expect.

I am very grateful for the knowledge I have that Jesus Christ is my Savior.  I know that He came to earth as a babe in a manger and grew to become the Redeemer for all mankind.  He is our friend, brother and example.  Christmas is such a wonderful time of year because His Spirit and love can be felt so strongly by all people.  I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and may God bless you all, everyone.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas decorations

After we got home from our Thanksgiving trip, it was time to get a Christmas tree. We went the day after we got back and we got lights and a tree. We got out our stockings and a bunch of ornaments we haven't seen for a while, and that was really fun. Matt put up lights outside, which I've never had before, so it's super exciting. Matt even got a little tree to go by the computer. So now we are ready for our first Christmas at home with our little family. [Sorry the pictures don't really look like they're in any kind of order... I'm blogging from my phone and I guess the placement is random.]